Bachelorette - Mondays ABC- Unfortunately the most interesting part of the show so far is the man who refuses to take off his mask... oh and the guy who got sent home about an hour after he arrived because he was so drunk. What a champ!
Expedition Impossible - Thursday June 23 ABC - Its like Amazing Race on steroids.
Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition - Mondays ABC - This is surprisingly a great show... its like an entire season of Biggest Loser packed in to one hour. And Chris Powell is hot or whatever.
Friday Night Lights - Fridays NBC - Easily the best show of the summer. And its the final season.
Love Bites - Thursday June 2 NBC - I'm going to give this a shot just because A. its summer and B. every episode features 5-10 really funny guest stars that rarely show up in anything other than movies.
NBA Finals - For the next week or two there really isn't anything better than Miami and Dallas duke it out. Though I'm wishing it was the Bulls v. Thunder.
True Blood - Sunday June 26 HBO - It's time for season 4.... It feels good to say Sookie agin doesn't it. It's been to long. Ahh Sookie. Here's to hoping the fairies stir up some drama.
The Voice - Tuesdays NBC - Finally moving on from battle rounds to the Live Shows. If you like American Idol you'll love this.
Workaholics - Mondays Comedy Central - The season is coming to a close but you really don't need to watch these in order. Its about 3 college roomates that all work together at a telemarketing company. Its a funny show, and you can find all the episodes online.
Wipeout - Thursdays ABC - Seeing people make idiots out of themselves never gets old. And the big balls are back. You can't help but watch.
I'm also going to go out on a limb here and predict that Bachelor Pad 2 is pretty much going to be horrible, so if your into that kind of thing it starts Monday August 8 on ABC.
In other news - Movies this summer are really funny so far. If you haven't seen Bridesmaids do it.